The Week in Quotes (March 3 – 9)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s latest political ad, which includes pictures of a semi-automatic pistol and a well-thumbed Bible. Note that his grammar is incorrect.

Two things every American should know how to use. Neither of which are taught in schools.

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Rev. Valda Jean Combs of St. James United Methodist Church in Waco, asking the Texas Legislature to boost funding for women’s health programs.

The vision of a beloved community requires that all women have access to safe and affordable health care. Public policy that is geared to deny access to birth control undermines our common commitment to the beloved community.

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Terry Johnson of Austin Life Care, testifying in favor of SB 521 and accusing Planned Parenthood of lacking instruction on social ethics and spirituality.

Is there a condom for their innocence?

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Marvin McHargue, a Bible course teacher at a Duncanville, Texas, high school, to a New York Times columnist when asked if he thought Jews believe that prophecies in the Hebrew scriptures were fulfilled by Jesus. McHargue was interviewed as part of a column on TFN’s latest report on public school Bible courses in Texas.

In New York, they don’t.

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Bill Clinton, the president who signed the Defense of Marriage Act, writing in an editorial that the law should be overturned.

As the president who signed the act into law, I have come to believe that DOMA is contrary to those principles and, in fact, incompatible with our Constitution.

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