The Week in Quotes (March 10 – 16)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Cardinal Protodeacon Jean-Louis Tauran, announcing the election of Argentina’s Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the new pope.

Habemus papam.

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Executive Director of the International Network of Children’s Ministry Michael Chanley, on The Ark, a $5 million children’s building opening at Pastor John Hagee’s Cornerstone Church in San Antonio.

You’d be hard-pressed to find any church with animatronics.

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Texas State Board of Education member Thomas Ralitff, R-Mount Pleasant, noting that CSCOPE, a curriculum program criticized by far-right activists as supposedly anti-Christian and pro-Mulsim, is used in hundreds of public school districts as well as schools operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin.

Do you think the Catholic Diocese of Austin promotes a Muslim agenda?

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President Barack Obama, in a joke at the Gridiron Dinner about his administration’s second-term cabinet shakeup.

With all these new faces, it’s hard to keep track of who is in, who is out. And I know it’s difficult for you guys as reporters. But I can offer you an easy way of remembering the new team. If Ted Cruz calls somebody a communist, then you know they’re in my cabinet.

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Ben Baxter, director of Pea Soup Limited, a smoke-machine supplier in Ingleby Barwick, England, on the cartridges used to create the black or white smoke that notifies faithful of whether or not a new pope has been selected.

Let’s hope somebody labeled them right.

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