The Week in Quotes (July 7 – 13)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, in a Facebook post following final passage of the anti-choice measure that drew thousands of protesters to the state Capitol in recent weeks.

Shamefully, the Texas Senate just voted to pass a law that will leave tens of thousands of Texans without access to preventive and life-saving care, all to further an extremely partisan agenda. Some may believe that that this fight has been waged and won with this final vote today, but they are wrong in so many ways. The fight for the future of Texas is just beginning.


Texas Gov. Rick Perry, announcing he will not seek re-election.

I remain excited about the future and the challenges ahead, but the time has come to pass on the mantle of leadership.

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Televangelist Pat Robertson, who, among other things, has blamed gays and lesbians for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

We’re not anti-gay or anything.

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U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., on abortion-restricting legislation on the national level.

At a time when our workers are being furloughed, and our student loan rates are going up, and investment in education and research is being slashed, the last thing we need is a politically driven distraction like this is.

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Dan Quinn, communications director at the Texas Freedom Network.

In a state with one of the highest teen birth rates in the nation, replacing failed abstinence-only policies with more effective sex education makes a lot more sense than pushing divisive abortion legislation just to boost the careers of cynical politicians.

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Gov. Rick Perry, on Fox News Sunday.

We have a special session with some important issues in front of us. We’re going to pass some restrictions on abortion in Texas so that Texas is a place where we defend life. That’s the powerful message here, that’s what we’re focused on. We can be in and out of here in another 10 days . . . we will get this done and get Texas back focused on the economic interests.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (July 7 – 13)

  1. “Texas is a place where we defend life” — except the lives of the sick and needy.

  2. Conservative Texans believe that every citizen with a 70 IQ should have an equal opportunity to pull himself up by his own bootstraps and become the billionaire God meant him to be.

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