The Week in Quotes (July 14 – 20)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, responding to a blatantly racist tweet directed a him after Texas Monthly featured Castro, his twin brother and state Sen. Wendy Davis on its August cover.

Grow up.

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An excerpt from a petition by Faithful America to CNN.

Even as church bells rang out to celebrate a victory for equality, CNN once again turned to a hate-group leader to speak on behalf of America’s Christians. Tony Perkins doesn’t speak for us, and CNN needs to stop giving him a platform to spread anti-gay hate.

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Robert Emmitt, senior pastor of Community Bible Church, San Antonio’s largest congregation, on his opposition to a proposed city ordinance designed to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination.

Either I’m blind or the media is not covering it, but I haven’t seen much (anti-gay) abuse that the ordinance would have to solve. This is more of a case of national politics entering local government.

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U.S Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., says Congress needs to discipline President Obama on immigraton and health care.

He has a perpetual magic wand, and nobody’s given him a spanking yet and taken it out of his hand.

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TFN founder Cecile Richards, now the president of Planned Parenthood, on the anti-choice bill passed in the Texas Legislature last week.

The thing that’s really terrible about this is that it’s coming on the heels of Gov. Perry actually shutting down the Women’s Health Program in the state of Texas, where more than 100,000 women already lost access to preventive care.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (July 14 – 20)

  1. U.S Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., says “Congress needs to discipline President Obama on immigraton and health care.

    He has a perpetual magic wand, and nobody’s given him a spanking yet and taken it out of his hand.”

    Oh the frustrari!!! The extremist right wing nut job Republicans and Tea Party idiots so much believed Benghazi, the IRS, and all of these other trumped up charges against Obama would stick and make political hay for them—only to find out there was nothing to them and that the vast public was not interested. Tefloni Obami!!! As the Bible says, draw your sword out to strike down a good man in the Lord’s eyes, and that same sword will be thrust through your own heart. There’s just no getting rid of this negro President, and you have him for—still—nearly another four years. Count’em:
    1, 2, 3, 4.

    Oh, and that magic wand Michele? It is the system of checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution and the massive veto power given to every President. It is also the Holy Spirit of God protecting a good and decemt Christian man from evildoers like perpetually documented liar Michele Bachmann and who ever else the shoe fits.

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