The Week in Quotes (Jan. 18 – 24)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

State Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, apparently believing World War II began after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

No, but I think I would do pretty well. I know the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. I know World War II was started Dec. 7, 1941. I know what the Civil War was fought over.

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Pat Robertson, responding to a viewer who asked why miracles such as “people raised from the dead, blind eyes open, lame people walking” seem to “happen with great frequency in Africa, and not here in the USA?”

Well, we are so sophisticated, we think we’ve got everything figured out, we know about evolution, we know about Darwin, we know about all these things that says God isn’t real, we know about all this stuff, in many schools, in the most advanced schools, we have been inundated with skepticism and secularism.

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Steven Hotze, a Houston physician and one of the most vicious anti-gay extremists in Texas, praising proposed legislation that would bar any state or local officials in Texas from issuing or recognizing marriage licenses for same-sex couples if federal courts, including the Supreme Court, strike down the state ban on such unions.

I am drawing a ‘line in the sand’ and asking you to join with me, Rep. Cecil Bell and other conservative Republican state legislators in defeating those who want to destroy the moral fabric of our state and nation by forcing us to accept and affirm ‘homosexual mirage’ and the chosen perverse sexual practices of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender) as normal.

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Sen. Ted Cruz, claiming that courts shouldn’t be able to strike down bans on same-sex marriage.

I’m a constitutionalist.

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President Obama during the State of the Union address, after some Republicans applauded when the president said he has no more campaigns to run.

I know, because I won both of them.

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A sign held by a protester upset that a Muslim group was holding a conference in Garland.

Go home and take Obama with you.

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BONUS: Watch “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart lambast Mike Huckabee after he criticized Beyonce for “explicit” dancing.

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