The Week in Quotes (Aug. 3 – 9)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Amy Hagstrom Miller, CEO of Whole Woman’s Health. A second lawsuit challenging HB2 goes to trial in federal court in Austin today.

You haven’t seen the last of us yet.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson, responding to critics upset with his defense of genetically modified foods.

Everything I said is factual, “So there’s nothing to disagree with other than whether you should actually “chill out” as I requested of the viewer in my last two words of the clip.

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Broward Circuit Judge Dale Cohen of Florida in his decision ruling that Florida’s gay marriage ban is unconstitutional. It is the third such ruling in the state in 18 days.

This Court believes that the issue here is not whether there is a right to same-sex marriage but instead whether there is a right to marriage from which same-sex couples can be excluded. The State of Florida cannot ignore the status and dignity afforded to opposite-sex couples, who were married out-of-state, and not extend those same rights, dignities and benefits to same-sex couples similarly situated.

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Former congressman Allen West from an interview on the radio show REEL Talk, making the claim that some candidates are chosen based solely on the ability to smear opponents.

I think that’s why the left wants to run a female, be it a Hillary Clinton or an Elizabeth Warren, because if you don’t stand up for them then you’re a sexist and a misogynist, and then they’ll run Julián Castro as the first Hispanic president because then you’re a xenophobe, who knows, it just goes on ad nauseum ad infinitum.

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Houston columnist TaShon D. Thomas, criticizing the absence of Houston Equal Rights Ordinance opponents at a “Let’s Talk Politics” forum.

I have always been one who is open to hearing opposition and trying to understand where they are coming from, but it is impossible for me to do that if they do not show up when it is important. The mayor’s announcement should have not deterred the petition leaders from attending the forum; it should have been a rallying cry.

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MorningStar Ministries founder Rick Joyner in last Sunday’s weekly sermon, claiming that that there’s no evidence of species evolving.

You can mix a donkey and a horse and get a mule, but mules cannot reproduce. They can only reproduce after their own kind. We have no species change. Why would a whole theory, everything taught in our schools, be based on something that is something that is so outrageously not only ridiculous, it’s impossible.

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David Barton, unilaterally declaring you can’t be a Christian is you are gay or support abortion rights.

Whoa. There is nothing in the Bible — nothing — that aligns with this. How can you be a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ when you don’t follow his teachings on these things?

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Aug. 3 – 9)

  1. “You can mix a donkey and a horse and get a mule, but mules cannot reproduce. They can only reproduce after their own kind. We have no species change. Why would a whole theory, everything taught in our schools, be based on something that is something that is so outrageously not only ridiculous, it’s impossible.”

    1. Oops. I forgot what I was going to say and clicked too soon.

      The statement in the comment above is easy to come by when you do not know anything about evolution and how it works. People who know nothing about evolution should quit pretending that they do and avoid making nutty and grossly ignorant statements like the one above. They should remember that they are supposed to represent Jesus, and such ignorance reflects badly on him and his cause—as well as the person saying it.

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