The Week in Quotes (April 26 – May 2)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Former Republican state Rep. Todd Smith, in a letter to Gov. Greg Abbott saying he is appalled that the governor has given credence to a fringe group that fears the U.S. military would stage a take-over of Texas.

Let me apologize in advance that your letter pandering to idiots who believe that US Navy Seals and other US military personnel are somehow a threat to be watched has left me livid.

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State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, on a late push by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to fast-track legislation designed to preserve the right to discriminate.

This is a dog whistle to the bigots and the zealots that want to promote their hate and try to mask it as religion.

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U.S. Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, linking the crisis in Baltimore to same-sex marriage.

You look at what’s going on in Baltimore today, you know, you see issues that are raised there. And healthy marriages are the ones between a man and a woman because they can have a healthy family and they can raise children in the way that’s best for their future, not only socially but psychologically, economically, from a health perspective.

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Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, asking a question that some see as indicating he may have found a way to cast a vote in favor of marriage equality.

I’m not sure it’s necessary to get into sexual orientation to resolve this case. I mean, if Sue loves Joe and Tom loves Joe, Sue can marry him and Tom can’t. And the difference is based upon their different sex. Why isn’t that a straightforward question of sexual discrimination?

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TFN Communications Director Dan Quinn, on efforts by some Texas lawmakers to undermine a gay-rights ruling by the Supreme Court.

On the one hand, to run around and say we are sovereign and somehow don’t have to obey a Supreme Court ruling is the quintessential example of a temper tantrum. Some of the lawmakers, including the representative who introduced this bill, just refuse to accept what’s happening. This seems to be a way to stomping their feet and saying we’re not going to let that happen, which is absurd.

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Ian Reisner, one of the two gay businessmen who hosted an event for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, apologizing to the gay community and others for his “poor judgment.”

I was ignorant, naive and much too quick in accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home without taking the time to completely understand all of his positions on gay rights.

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Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaking at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition summit in Waukee, Iowa.

Today’s Democratic Party has decided there is no room for Christians in today’s Democratic Party. There is a liberal fascism that is going after Christian believers.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (April 26 – May 2)

  1. Thanks, Wikipedia for this definition of Greg Abbott.

    Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.

    [1] Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (e.g. “Everyone is out to get me”). Paranoia is distinct from phobias, which also involve irrational fear, but usually no blame.

    Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, an incident most people would view as an accident or coincidence, a paranoid person might believe was intentional.

    That is what our governor has become. He might as well have said “The Americans are coming, the Americans are coming!”

    It is bad enough that Texas has become the laiughing stock of the USA, but now the inmates are running the asylum.

    I’m not losing sleep over his stupdity, I’m losing sleep over the people in this state who are giving Texas the most addled brain in this state. I got transferred to this state 40 years ago, liked what I saw, and said “I’m home!” But Dolph Briscoe was our governor back then and Texas was as blue as you’d like.

    Enter liar-in-chief, one George W. Bush. He took the once great name of Anne Richards, made her name something indecent and essenially bought his office by giving away the surplus that Anne built up. Bush pissed it away and left us with a record-beaking deficit. SCOTUS let him get away with it, so he got away with murder and left his office as POTUS with an incredible deduction.

    Shrub left this country in its weakest point, yet non-thinkers voted for him TWICE and now we have a problem that the TEAliban left us and think that tey are clever by blaming it on Obama.

    And now we have a paranoid as our governor again. Sigh…

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