'The Revisionaries' Documentary about the Texas State Board of Education, TFN Wins Audience Award for PBS Program

We asked you last week to help The Revisionaries documentary win the Audience Award from the PBS series Independent Lens — and you came through! On Monday the folks at PBS announced that The Revisionaries, which had been trailing by hundreds of votes early last Friday, captured the award at the end of the day.

The Revsionaries, which aired on Independent Lens earlier this year, examines the ongoing textbook battles at the State Board of Education in Texas. The documentary, which also won an award at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York last year, prominently features the Texas Freedom Network and our efforts to fight right-wing textbook censorship.

If you’re interested in hosting a screening of The Revisionaries for your group, we can help. Just contact us at [email protected].

Also, the State Board of Education is about to take up the adoption of new science textbooks for Texas public schools. The main battle there will be over what those textbooks teach students about evolution. Keep an eye on TFN Insider, our Twitter page (@TFN) and our Facebook page (facebook/texasfreedomnetwork) for more on how you can help defend science education in Texas in the coming months.

5 thoughts on “'The Revisionaries' Documentary about the Texas State Board of Education, TFN Wins Audience Award for PBS Program

  1. This means millions more will want an opportunity to see it. Great job TFN!!!

  2. Like the producer said @ the opening night @ the Violet Crown “… a little bit of Don Macleroy helps the medicine go down….” I don’t fully subscribe to that but I see his point.

  3. Two questions: When can we see it?
    Why was there no coverage of the fact that the Democratic Party did not consider McLeroy worth filing a candidate to oppose nor the total media blackout of the fact that the Green Party did consider him a threat and did run a candidate?

  4. Congratulations TFN for winning the contest and with showing great restraint while dealing with the “Liars Club” (the RR). My tendency would have been to hit “em harder, harder!!

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