TFN Urges Representatives to Continue Fight for Democracy as House Obtains Quorum

For Immediate Release
Aug. 20, 2021

AUSTIN, Texas – After 38 days without quorum because of the walkout from Texas Democrats, the Texas House has now reached a quorum.

Texas Freedom Network Executive Director and President Val Benavidez issued the following statement:

“Texans will remember this upcoming legislative session as an oppressive, hateful time spearheaded by Governor Abbott’s shameful personal priorities. But, it will be remembered in history by the actions of activists leading their communities to fight against anti-Texan policies. 

“Our Texas Democratic allies showed strength and empathy for thousands of Texans when they broke quorum and kept Abbott’s shameful anti-Texan bills from becoming law. Now in Texas, we are urging them to ignite the strength they had to leave and use it now at the Capitol to protect trans kids, teachers in classrooms, access to abortion care, and yes, our democratic right to vote. 

“While we are disappointed that there is now a quorum at the State House, we recognize that this fight still continues. We’re staying true to our promise of acting as a legislative watchdog and advocating against harmful bills. We urge Texas Democrats to keep up their energy to remain strong and help us protect the rights of our communities.”


The Texas Freedom Network ( is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

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