Texas Pastor Nods Along as Talk Show Host Says the Folks Pushing Abortion Rights Are Promiscuous Men 'Like Our President'

We’ve heard a lot of extreme rhetoric in the deeply divisive debate over abortion in Texas the last few weeks. Our friends at Right Wing Watch caught some of it today, when Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress spoke on a far-right American Family Association radio program. In talking about what’s happening in Texas, show host Sandy Rios said who she thinks are the biggest supporters of abortion rights:

“It is generally, from my opinion, the promiscuous white men who are pushing abortion. I would even say the promiscuous black ones like our president, oh forgive me I shouldn’t say that, but they’re the ones who want sexual license, they do not want responsibility; abortion has always helped men more than it helps women.”
Jeffress, one of the more extreme religious-right figures in Texas, didn’t disagree. He then went on to compare the United States to Nazi Germany and said the country will suffer God’s judgment. From Right Wing Watch:
The megachurch pastor maintained that abortion rights opponents will “buy a little more time for our country before God’s judgment” comes to America for decriminalizing abortion, just as God punished Israel and Nazi Germany: “He raised up the Babylonians and the Assyrians to judge Israel for engaging in child sacrifice; he raised up the Allied forces to crush Nazi Germany for taking kids to the gas chambers by the trainloads.”

16 thoughts on “Texas Pastor Nods Along as Talk Show Host Says the Folks Pushing Abortion Rights Are Promiscuous Men 'Like Our President'

  1. They are so indoctrinated that the other day, in Austin at the Capitol, a woman wearing a blue shirt came up to me and said, one thing,she was surprised to learn that day was that we, in the orange shirts, were just like them in the blue shirts, we just had a different opinion. She was amazed at that fact.

  2. “the promiscuous black ones like our president”

    What the hell?? Where does she even get that “promiscuous”? Or is she confusing Obama with Ritter, or Gingrich, or Sanford? Or maybe her only news source is the tabloids at the grocery-store checkout?

    “oh forgive me I shouldn’t say that”

    Is there a name for this rhetorical device? The “I didn’t mean to let that angry skunk loose in your living room” ploy? Really, how low can you sink?

  3. Their hatred is fueled by their stupidity. “Pastors” of this ilk are only interested in power….power over the masses (with a threat of ‘Hell’), power over women, to control their entire lives. Power over politicians, to move their agenda into government. They want a theocracy…and if that’s what they want, they should move to one of the many countries that already have one… Somalia, Iran, Israel, and many others.

  4. Their hatred is fueled by their stupidity. “Pastors” of this ilk are only interested in power….power over the masses (with a threat of ‘Hell’), power over women, to control their entire lives. Power over politicians, to move their agenda into government. They want a theocracy…and if that’s what they want, they should move to one of the many countries that already have one… Somalia, Iran, Israel, and many others.

  5. What on earth gave them the idea that the President was “promiscuous”?

    And why aren’t they happy that “God’s judgment” is coming?

  6. Obama is promiscuous? Oh, please. He’s a notable family man, unlike right wing heroes like Gingrich and Vitter. Nice try, though.

  7. The Egyptians have their Muslim Brotherhood and we have our equally restrictive Christian Brotherhood.

  8. If our president is a liberal. Meaning anything goes kind of president. In so many life issues of today. Like abortion. Oh we’ll our presidents is all for it. And other issues too Too liberal. For me. .. But when it comes to little lives of babies in the womb our outside the womb. I’m sorry but that I do not agree with politics and the stupid evil row v wade law by the way base in a lie. Sorry but I would never ever! Will choose to aborted a precious baby. Ps. http://Www.liveaction.org. http://Www.operationrescue.org. http://Www.lifeissues.org. Jhon. 3:16.

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