Texas Legislator: Businesses Should Be Able to Discriminate Against Anyone

The Texas Observer has an interesting interview with state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, who has filed a number of bills (such as this one) this year that would protect the ability to discriminate against LGBT people. Bell says the purpose of his bills are to defend states’ rights and religious freedom.

Check out the video clip included with the article. When asked about any limits on the ability of businesses to discriminate, Rep. Bell replies:

“I think they should be free to turn away anyone they don’t want to do business with.”

The Texas Observer reporter then asks whether that means businesses should be able to discriminate against African Americans and other racial or ethnic minorities for religious reasons. Rep. Bell replies:

“I don’t think there are any religious objections to people for the basis of their skin color or otherwise. I think that has more to do with their choices and decisions in life.”

Really, Rep. Bell? We’ve seen religion misused to discriminate on the basis of skin color quite often. Where have you been?


6 thoughts on “Texas Legislator: Businesses Should Be Able to Discriminate Against Anyone

  1. Fine. If he wants businesses to discriminate against anyone for any reason, then legislate that those businesses post a sign, in clear view, in large, easy to read, including braille:
    we reserve the right to discriminate. PERIOD.

    1. Sorry, that was a common requirement back in the 1950s, and was deemed so utterly insufficient that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed.

  2. NO! We are Americans. Americans are covered by silly little things like the CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS!
    Prior to adopting those laws, people could and WOULD be discriminated by any and all and it was PERFECTLY LEGAL.

    NOW it is UNLAWFUL for any business that is open to the public to discriminate.

    Do we REALLY want to go back to signs reading “No Jews, No Niggers, No Dogs?”

    I’ve BEEN discriminated against simply because I did a foolish thing: I killed Jesus Christ. That’s right. I personally went back a couple of thousand years ago and killed the guy. Get it? I was refused housing, employment, etc. simply because I was fortunate enough to have been born
    Blacks could not sit down in a restaurant in much of the country, they could not just walk into a hotel or motel and get a room for the night.
    I will not live in a country that permits this. I have a choice. I have the right of return to Israel.
    Do you know what a Jewish child is called that is NOT circumcised? A girl!

  3. I’m still shaking in rage over e Rep. Cecil Bell’s attempt at overriding the federal civil rights laws.

    This man is nothing but a Nazi bigot, just like the rest of his party.

    If you read history, go back to the 1930s and find out how the Germany became a fascist state. We are on target to be totally Fascist before the year 2025. WHY don’t the Americans know this? Hitler said that governments should be grateful that the peropls they administrate DO NOT THINK

  4. Only an utter fool will want to discriminate against anyone these days. But fools that they are, members if the TEA Party and members of the Republican Party,now one in the same are sure that discrimination is not only legal but Constitutional because of 2 ideas.
    1) property rights; they believe that because it’s their business that they have the right based on “private property laws” that they have the right to discriminate against whomever they wish.
    I hate to see this kind of hypocrisy go unchallenged because on one hand they talk about private property rights and on the other hand they legislate against a woman’s right to privacy when determining the course of her life. Is it one or the other, the inconsistency is overwhelming of course.
    2) they base their desire to discriminate against anyone they desire to, on a religious freedom basis.
    In the past religious freedom was the basis of the ability to discriminate against a minority, any minority, whom the business owner wished he could discriminate against. The fact is under the cloak of religious freedom, bigotry and intolerance were legal and accepted throughout society. Now though since the cloak of religious sanctity and the yoke of religious bigotry under that guise of religious freedom have been cast off and the separation of state and church is becoming settled law, the freedom to discriminate based on religious freedom is declining rapidly and will soon disappear.

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