Texas Freedom Network Statement on Senate Passage of SB17

Texas Senate Once Again Turns Religion into a License to Discriminate

April 2, 2019

AUSTIN – Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller has the following statement after the Texas Senate today voted to pass SB17, which bars state licensing agencies from taking action if licensed professionals use their religious beliefs as a justification for discriminating against LGBT people:

“This bill lets licensed professionals and the businesses they operate use religion to treat gay and transgender Texans like outcasts and second-class citizens and bars a licensing agency from doing virtually anything to prevent it. It’s tragic to see the Texas Senate once again vote to turn religion into a license to discriminate against people simply because of who they are or whom they love. The Senate under Lt. Gov. Patrick has twisted religious freedom, a founding American value, into a weapon to hurt people. The House should reject this sweeping, misguided discrimination bill and stand up for treating all Texans as equal under the law.”


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