Texas Congressman Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert: Guns Will Protect Us from Sharia Law!

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, the East Texas Republican who thinks our nation’s enemies are coming here to birth babies who will grow up to commit domestic terror attacks, has a new argument against gun laws: stopping Islamic law! Rep. Gohmert had this to say today on the web-radio show The Voice of Freedom:

“[The Second Amendment] is for our protection and the Founders’ quotes make that very, very clear. Including against a government that would run amuck. We’ve got some people that think Sharia law should be the law of the land — forget the Constitution. But the guns are there, that Second Amendment is there, to make sure all of the rest of the amendments are followed.”

You know, Rep. Gohmert sure sounds like he might be a prepper, too. Yes?

14 thoughts on “Texas Congressman Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert: Guns Will Protect Us from Sharia Law!

  1. Yeah, the Tea Party can’t wait to install flogging posts and stocks in every town, and heck, let’s bring back public hangings to get the crowds really frothy & murderous…. and then say Jesus told them to do so, what a crock of caca del toro!

  2. I miss the days where random people could call insane asylums on neighbors that mumble incoherent, paranoid shit and the wagon would just show up outside their door with a straight jacket.

  3. Total Global Racial Holy War is everybody’s business. You can’t end Western civilization if not everyone is shooting their racial and religious enemies, now can you?

  4. Yeah, because when the National Guard comes rolling down my street to subdue me I’ll be able to fight them with my .22.

    If Gohmert had a brain, well, he’d have a brain.

  5. Sharia Law? Seriously?

    I guess Louie decided that “Zombie hoards” or “the Boogyman” would have been too over-the-top.

  6. Oy. That’s my congressman. He never fails to disappoint…if you’re looking for that very special brand of Crazy.
    I’m an ol’ treehugging back-to-the-lander hippiechick and resent mightily how every good idea we’ve ever had has been co-opted and bastardized by these idiots, rebranded to be soaked in theology and a culture of violence and sold for billions of dollars a year to people they’ve fear-mongered to.

    1. Traitorous trolls not welcome. Go back home to the Middle Ages and pull your forelock there.

  7. “louie is one of the best”

    Agreed. One of the best sources of humor in politics. Twisted humor, anyway…..

  8. “louie is one of the best,what are you liberals without a spine.i would hate to see you folks running this state.”

    This is either a member of the e.e. cummings appreciation club or a typical Gohmert follower showing his past mastery of lessons in school.

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