Texas Attorney General Shouldn't Stand with Extremists

We just sent out the following press release:

The president of the Texas Freedom Network today called on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to decline an award from an activist group whose leader says President Obama is “anti-Christian” and an “enemy” of America, compares the president and other Democratic leaders to Nazis, calls Houston’s twice-elected mayor a “sodomite,” and has praised a prominent evangelical known for his anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish statements in the past.

A group called the Houston Area Pastor Council/Texas Pastor Council plans to present Abbott with a special award at a major fundraiser for the organization on March 22 in Houston. The group’s executive director, Dave Welch, has made numerous incendiary statements about President Obama and other leaders in recent years.

“We applaud and stand with clergy who work to build stronger communities and reject the language of division and hate,” TFN President Kathy Miller said. “But it’s troubling that the attorney general of Texas would lend his name in support of a group headed by someone whose rhetoric is so incendiary that he likens the president of the United States to Nazis and regularly engages in offensive personal attacks against the twice-elected mayor of our state’s largest city.”

In public statements issued by his organization as well as in essays on conservative websites, Welch has become notorious for his deeply offensive rhetoric. Examples:

“Texans deserve to know whether their attorney general endorses the incendiary and divisive statements expressed by the leader a group he is helping promote,” Miller said. “Otherwise they have reason to wonder whether the state’s chief law enforcement officer will protect the rights of all Texans, regardless of their faith or their political or personal views.”

Baylor University President Ken Starr is slated as the featured speaker for the March 22 event.

3 thoughts on “Texas Attorney General Shouldn't Stand with Extremists

  1. Did Abbott just put out that campaign ad with the pistol and the Bible? He’s already told me all I need to know.

  2. Greg Abbott sounds like he wants to be a general in the Global Total Racial Holy War. This is a man who wants to start the Final Riot that will consume humanity in the name of Jesus. I can call him nothing less, and nothing more, than a depraved and raving terrorist.

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