Texas Senate Mugs Public Schools, Gives Preliminary Approval to Private School Vouchers

Today the Texas Senate mugged the state’s public schools and their millions of students by providing preliminary approval to a reckless private school voucher bill. But the debate revealed some dirty truths that voucher supporters would prefer folks not know about the bill. Senators gave approval to Senate Bill 4 on second reading. SB 4 would give tax credits to wealthy interests that provide […]

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Tax-Credit Vouchers: An Attack on Public Education in Texas

As the Texas Senate prepares to take up a tax-credit voucher scam — as early as Tuesday — check out this video from the Southern Education Foundation. The Foundation’s three-minute video explains how direct vouchers and tax-credit vouchers undermine public education as tax dollars are siphoned off to private and religious schools. […]

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This Week @ the Texas Legislature: Vouchers on Senate Floor

Call your senator TODAY in opposition to this reckless raid on funding for neighborhood public schools. Click here to find the name and phone number for your senator. Big moves behind the scenes tell us the Senate could take up a massive private school voucher bill this week. It’s critical that you call your senator […]

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