Stem Cells, Vouchers Could See House Votes

The Texas House of Representatives today is taking up the state’s budget bill. Yesterday the Texas Freedom Network sent out the following Action Alert: Upcoming House Budget Debate Will Include Critical Votes on Stem Cell Research and Vouchers Two crucially important issues will be debated when the Texas House of Representatives takes up the state budget (SB […]

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Voucher Bills Again at the Texas Capitol

Proposed schemes for private school vouchers — which drain money from neighborhood public schools to pay for tuition at private and religious schools — have sparked heated battles in Texas legislative sessions since the 1990s. Tomorrow the Senate Education Committee will take up two key voucher bills. Senate Bill 1301 by Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, would […]

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Sec. Spellings, Meet the Facts

A Republican Congress instituted the first federally funded private school voucher program, the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, in the District of Columbia in 2004. The program was a political victory for far-right groups and individuals such as voucher sugardaddy James Leininger of Texas. But it looked likely to fade out of existence due to the efforts […]

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