Talking Points Plus

When someone asks you, “Did the rape guy win?” and you have to ask which one, that’s a bad sign. The above quote is from TFN founder and current Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards, and it comes from a Q&A Cecile did with the New York Times titled “What Cecile Richards Has […]

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Is Anyone Surprised That He Also Rejects Evolution as Based on Science?

U.S. Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin, the Republican nominee challenging Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill in Missouri, told Tea Partiers on Thursday that there’s no science behind evolution. Think Progress has Akin’s quote here: “I don’t see it as even a matter of science because I don’t know that you can prove one or the […]

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David Barton Still Backs Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin in Missouri Senate Race

So how extreme is David Barton? Here’s the religious right’s favorite phony historian (dark coat, red shirt) standing this week in support of Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin of Missouri, more than a month after Akin made his outrageous statement suggesting that only some rapes are legitimate. Barton, who heads the Texas-based organization WallBuilders, joined […]

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