Texas Politicians Make the Case for Upholding State Bans on Interracial Marriage

In some ways, at least, that’s what it has sounded like since U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia on Wednesday struck down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage. If many of  the complaints we heard from politicians and activists on the right sounded familiar, they should have: they’re essentially the same ones Americans heard when the […]

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Gay-Obsessed Right-Wing Texas Lobbyist Sounds Increasingly Unhinged

Even as Republicans who voted for the anti-gay discrimination bill in Arizona now admit they made a serious mistake, some religious-right activists are doubling down in their hate campaign. In fact, some just seem downright obsessed about gay people. Case in point: Jonathan Saenz at Texas Values, the lobby arm of Plano-based Liberty Institute. At […]

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TFN’s Student Leaders: Why They Need Your Support

Support TFN’s Student Leaders One of our generous donors who believes strongly in the importance of civic engagement among young Texans has set up a special Five-Day $5,000 Challenge. That means every dollar you donate between now and February 28 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to the $5,000 limit. Did you know that TFN boasts […]

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Anti-CSCOPE Witch Hunt Fizzles: Will Teachers Get an Apology?

For well over a year, right-wing activists and pandering politicians like Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Sen. Dan Patrick have loudly and recklessly complained that a popular curriculum tool used in hundreds of Texas schools is filled with anti-American, Marxist and pro-Islamic bias. Now a formal review of lessons from the CSCOPE curriculum program confirms […]

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God Wrote the Constitution, Tom DeLay Says

Disgraced former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay offered folks a peculiar civics lesson today. Our friends at Right Wing Watch caught the Texas Republican explaining what he thinks is the source of problems our nation faces today: “I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government, […]

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