Yesterday the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released our latest report, Can This Class Be Saved? Authored by Southern Methodist University religious studies professor Mark Chancey, the report looks at a new public school Bible curriculum created with backing from Hobby Lobby President Steve Green. Green, as you’ll recall, has been in the news a lot lately […]
TFNEF Report: Bible Curriculum Backed by Hobby Lobby President Would Lead to Preaching, Not Teaching, in Public Schools
Hobby Lobby’s president Steve Green has sponsored the development of a new Bible curriculum, The Book: The Bible’s History, Narrative and Impact, that he reportedly hopes thousands of public schools will adopt. The curriculum will be published by Museum of the Bible, a nonprofit organization created by Green to guide the development of a museum […]
RR Leader: Religious Freedom Applies Only to Anti-Gay Christians
Religious-righters claim that barring discrimination against LGBT people violates their religious freedom to, well, discriminate against people they don’t like. Now Tony Perkins, head of the national organization Family Research Council (FRC), is arguing that Christians who support LGBT equality don’t deserve religious freedom themselves. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Perkins’ FRC as an anti-gay hate group. Speaking on the […]
Absurd: Creation Museum Says New Dinosaur Skeleton Proves Bible History Is Literally True
The Creation Museum in Kentucky is unveiling a new exhibit: an Allosaurus skeleton that it says proves that the biblical story of creation is true. From Talking Points Memo: “While evolutionists use dinosaurs more than anything to promote their worldview, especially to young students, our museum uses dinosaurs to help tell the account of history according to […]
About Judge John Jones: Standing Up for Science AND Marriage Equality
Guess who’s not getting an invite to the religious right’s Values Voter Summit or to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference). U.S. District Court Judge John Jones III, that’s who. Earlier today Jones ruled the Pennsylvania same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional and, unlike in some other states, the ruling was not stayed. That means gay and lesbian […]