“The Revisionaries,” the award-winning documentary about the raging textbook wars in Texas, is so popular with audiences that Landmark’s Magnolia Theatre in Dallas is extending the film’s run there through October 18. And the Houston premiere this Friday (October 12) at Sundance Cinemas is nearly sold out. The film, which exposes efforts byradicals on the […]
Texas Supreme Court Might Consider David Barton Defamation Lawsuit
David Barton‘s outrageous defamation lawsuit against two Texas State Board of Education candidates could be headed to the state Supreme Court. Barton, the head of the Texas-based political advocacy group WallBuilders and a former vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party, is suing Democrats Rebecca Bell-Metereau of San Marcos and Judy Jennings of Austin. The […]
Georgia Congressman: Evolution, Big Bang Are ‘Lies Straight from the Pit of Hell’
The war on science education — based on the myth that science and faith must be in conflict — continues to rage across the country. Talking Points Memo has a piece up about a talk by Georgia Congressman Paul Broun at a Baptist church banquet last month. Broun, a physician with a bachelor’s degree in […]
Award-winning Film on Texas Textbook Wars Premieres in Dallas Tonight, Houston Next Week
“The Revisionaries” — an award-winning documentary film about the textbook wars in Texas — premieres in Dallas tonight at a special Texas Freedom Network screening. The film will run from tonight until Oct. 11 at Landmark’s Magnolia Theatre in Dallas. But the film’s director, Scott Thurman, and TFN President Kathy Miller, who is featured prominently […]
Contraception Turns Heterosexual Men Gay!
That bizarre claim comes in a strange web video making the rounds. The video, You Deserve to Know the Truth about Contraception, apparently produced by a group of Roman Catholic nuns called the Children of Mary order, argues that women who take “chemical” contraception no longer produce hormones that attract men. So heterosexual men eventually […]