Jon Stewart Skewers ‘War on Christmas’ Hysteria

The right’s absurd “War on Christmas” hysteria is upon us again. Check out Jon Stewart’s classic takedown of Fox and its coverage of the WOC last night. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The War on Christmas: Friendly Fire Edition Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire […]

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Is This One of David Barton’s Favorite Winger Websites?

Looks like David Barton enjoys trolling at least one website filled with right-wing hysteria about FEMA concentration camps, President Obama’s complicity in the murder of a U.S. ambassador and an America on the verge of a new civil war. And check out this Twitter post from the religious right’s favorite phony historian and pseudo-constitutional scholar: […]

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Say What?

When creationists on the State Board of Education consider new science textbooks for Texas public schools next year and make their usual arguments that supporters of sound science are “secular humanists” and “atheists,” perhaps we’ll remind them of what Pat Robertson (yes, THAT Pat Robertson) said this week: “You go back in time, you’ve got […]

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Legislating Creationism in Science Classrooms?

As we prepare for the 2013 session of the Texas Legislature — a session that could be one of the most difficult ever for supporters of public schools — it appears that creationists are redoubling their efforts to promote creationism in our nation’s science classrooms. This month a Montana legislator officially requested the drafting of […]

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