Texas is failing students and their families on sex education. […]
TFN President Calls Out TX State Board of Education for Once Again Overruling Teachers
State Board of Education members have again disregarded the recommendations of teachers and scholars on science curriculum standards. Politicians on the board are more interested in promoting their personal agendas than making sure Texas kids get a sound science education. Here’s our press statement: […]
Evolution Fight Returns to the Texas SBOE
Nearly two decades into the 21st century, the State Board of Education is set this week to fight — yet again – over what Texas public school students should learn about evolution in their science classrooms. Seriously. […]
Anti-Muslim Hysteria Continues at the Texas Capitol
Admitted Muslim-hater Molly White, a Belton Republican, failed to win reelection to the Texas House last year, but it seems like the Legislature will have at least one other anti-Muslim fanatic to replace her: freshman state Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg. […]
2016 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery
Today we end our annual review of the outrageous and offensive things we heard from the right over the past year. As usual, we end with a mix of potluck nuttery from the right. You can check out previous posts from the Year in Quotes here. […]