2012 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery II

Our review of what we heard from the far right in 2012 ends with a last bit of potluck nuttery. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. Stay tuned — we expect to hear much more like this in 2013. Happy New Year! “It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re […]

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Are You a ‘Snarling Hound’?

Liberty Institute, a religious-right group based in Plano near Dallas, is still screeching about the mythical “war on Christmas.” Here’s an excerpt from a fundraising email the group sent out on Friday: I hope your Christmas was merry & joyful, because the hounds are snarling again. … The sad truth is that while you and […]

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2012 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery I

With 2012 drawing to a close, we continue our review of what we heard from the far right over the past year. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. “I tell you what, Richard gave a two-word axiom that we ought to emblazon on everything we have: liberalism kills.” — David […]

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2012 in Quotes: Bashing Gays

Our review of what we heard from the far right in 2012 includes the requisite ignorance, intolerance and verbal gay-bashing that’s still so prevalent in those quarters. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. “We don’t think that there are any such students.” — Dr. Michael Farris, Patrick Henry College’s founder […]

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2012 in Quotes: Anti-Obama Derangement Syndrome

With 2012 being an important election year, the far right was awash in over-the-top diatribes aimed at President Barack Obama. The level of irrational rhetoric directed at the president seemed to rise as the year dragged on and the election drew closer. In fact, the election results seemed to send some on the right into […]

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