New TFN Ed Fund Poll: Broad Support in Texas for State-Funded Family Planning Services, Including Birth Control

Two years ago, Texas lawmakers openly declared “war on birth control” (those were their own words), slashing funding and putting in place additional obstacles for family planning services for low-income women. This year politicians at the state and national level want to let bosses deny, because of their own religious or moral objections, coverage for […]

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Joseph McCarthy Rises Again?

The new U.S. Senator from Texas, Republican Ted Cruz, is rapidly building a reputation, although one that few should be proud of. In the short time he’s been in the Senate, Cruz has found himself in a small, hardcore faction of right-wingers on a variety of issues. For example, he cast a “no” vote on […]

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Checking the TFN Hate Mail Bag

We’ve been getting more hate mail here at the Texas Freedom Network. Some of it features the same tired insults we often get: TFN are Marxist in sheep skins. You people are killing America. Some clearly struggle with anger issues: Dear Kathy: #1 I AIN’T your friend. #2 Is Jesus, the Christ, part of your […]

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Texas Eagle Forum: Struggling Families = Wild Animals

From Texas Eagle Forum’s February newsletter: Lesson in Irony The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks […]

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