Donna “Jeffrey Dahmer Believed in Evolution” Garner’s fiery email exchange with Texas State Board of Education member George Clayton this week included a particularly interesting tidbit you might have missed. Garner suggested a variety of reasons for supporting Gail “Pilgrims Were Commies” Spurlock as Clayton’s replacement on the board. Among them, she said, is that […]
Yowza — Fiery Email Exchange Suggests Texas Education Board Race Could Get Very Heated
Texas State Board of Education member George Clayton’s guns are blazing in a searing email exchange that makes it clear he plans to run for re-election as a write-in candidate this November. Clayton finished third in the May 29 Republican primary for the Dallas-area, District 12 seat. Former state board member Geraldine “Tincy” Miller and […]
TX GOP Spokesman: Critical Thinking Opposition in Platform Was an ‘Oversight’
A Texas Republican Party official says the party never meant to include an attack on teaching critical thinking skills in the platform it adopted this month. Talking Points Memo quotes state GOP Communications Director Chris Elam as claiming that plank got into the platform by mistake: “[The chairman of the Education Subcommittee] indicated that it […]
Texas GOP Platform: Don’t Teach Kids Critical Thinking Skills!
Remember when Texas State Board of Education member David Bradley criticized teachers and scholars who were crafting new language arts and reading curriculum standards for Texas schools back in 2008? Having students actually think about what they were reading didn’t seem like a good idea to Bradley: “I’m sorry. This critical thinking stuff is gobbledygook.” Well, […]
Texas GOP Platform ‘Deplores Discrimination’ — Except Against Gay People
Read the Texas Freedom Network’s analysis of the 2012 Texas Republican Party platform here. The full platform itself is here. We thought these two passages were particularly revealing. Page 7: “Homosexuality — We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual […]