Democratic Senator Agrees to File Tax Credit Voucher Scheme in Texas Lege

TAKE ACTION: Click here — — for more on how you can tell Sen. Lucio NOT to file his tax credit voucher bill. *** State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, has been promising that the Senate Education Committee he chairs will consider legislation giving tax credits to businesses that donate money for student “scholarships” to […]

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Support for Broad Access to Birth Control Crosses Partisan Lines in Texas

Texas lawmakers are considering various bills affecting women’s access to birth control in the state, including whether to reverse the drastic cuts the Legislature made to family planning services for low-income women in 2011. So we wanted to drill deeper into the numbers from last month’s Texas Freedom Network Education Fund statewide poll. To our […]

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What's Good for the Goose…

State Sen. Dan Patrick, the Houston Republican who chairs the Senate Education Committee, on Thursday criticized those who oppose his bill to expand charter schools in Texas: “I want you to understand that when you testify, you’re not testifying against a bill. You’re testifying against 100,000 families who are are on the wait list who […]

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