Texans in Large Numbers Support State Funding for Family Planning Services

So we know that a huge majority of registered voters in Texas — 68 percent — say women having access to family planning and birth control is important. But what about state funding? Last month’s poll from the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund found that an even larger percentage of registered voters in Texas — 73 percent — support state funding for family planning services for low-income women. That strong support stretches across ethnic and religious groups.


The Legislature slashed funding for family planning services for low-income women by two-thirds in 2011. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has estimated that those cuts will result in 23,760 additional births among low-income women in 2014-15. The additional cost to taxpayers of providing health care for those infants under Medicaid could be as high as $273 million.

Click here to read the full report on the TFN Education Fund poll on Texans’ attitudes toward family planning services, including birth control.

3 thoughts on “Texans in Large Numbers Support State Funding for Family Planning Services

  1. Isn’t it about time that republicans stop with the birth control and abortion crap? They talk about getting the government and state out of our lives, then press forward with getting their noses into the private lives of Texan families. Women in this state better get off the sidelines and make their voices heard about the republicans seeming need to control a womans private medical decisisons.

  2. Legislators do NOT listen to their constituents. Look at the defunding of public schools and turning down federal money for Medicaid. People support these things, but our Texas legislators ignor them!