Support Women's Health and Funding for Family Planning in Texas

Two years ago this week, the Texas Legislature slashed the family planning budget by two-thirds. On Thursday the Texas House of Representatives will take up a proposed budget that restores most of that funding. But those funds are vulnerable to attack when the budget is debated. Show your support by clicking here to share the […]

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Tears at the Capitol: Standing Up for Equality for LGBT Texans

TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from James Lee, president of the TFN Student Chapter at the University of Houston and a member of our Student Leadership Council. This is cross-posted from the blog at Amplify, a project of Advocates for Youth. Advocates for Youth’s Cultural Advocacy and Mobilization Initiative supports our […]

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Rick Perry Talks CSCOPE with Glenn Beck

You couldn’t be blamed if up to now you looked at this CSCOPE hubbub and dismissed it as mostly just a case of a few fringe loons with Internet connections talking to each other. In fact, the most prominent individual — at least as far as electeds go — up to this point to engage […]

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Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, one of the nation’s most strident far-right groups, on Friday praised Texas Sen. John Cornyn for trying to amend a proposed federal ban on assault weapons by exempting women who are victims of domestic violence. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted down Sen. Cornyn’s amendment, which would have exempted women granted protective […]

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