Texas Congressman Points to Masturbating Fetuses to Justify Proposed Abortion Ban

As the nation focuses on concerns like jobs and health care, congressional Republicans have turned their attention to a favorite cause of right-wing culture warriors: banning abortion. So on Monday, Texas Congressman Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, offered his reasons for why the U.S. House of Representatives should pass a new anti-abortion bill that bars women from […]

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Wars on Women, Public Education Continue in Rick Perry’s Texas

Rick Perry made at least two things clear in his veto orgy on Friday: the wars on women’s rights and strong public schools continue in Texas. Gov. Perry vetoed HB 950, the Lily Ledbetter Act, which would have helped stop wage discrimination against women in the state. Just days earlier, Gov. Perry asked state lawmakers […]

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Gov. Perry Drags the Legislative Special Session into the Culture Wars

Today Gov. Perry gave religious-righters some of what they’ve been demanding by adding abortion to the list of items for Texas lawmakers to address during the current legislative special session. A press release from the Governor’s Office noted that “legislation relating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers and facilities” had been added to the […]

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Big Defeats for the Far Right's Culture Warriors in the 2013 Texas Legislative Session

We just sent out the following press release: Today Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller had the following comments on the end of the legislative session: “Going into this legislative session, culture warriors insisted that they would focus on divisive issues like passing private school vouchers, undermining sex education and continuing their attacks on women’s […]

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Texas Still Won't Recognize Same-Sex Parents, But U.S. Education Department Will

Texas lawmakers still refuse to recognize the reality of families headed by same-sex parents, but the federal government will. With just days left in the current legislative session in Texas, a bill — HB 201 — that would have changed the state’s supplementary birth certificates to allow the listing of same-sex parents for adopted children […]

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