Oh, the irony. The Dallas Morning News reports that four Texas politicians — politicians often aligned with religious-right groups that use faith as a political weapon — were among the victims of a Ponzi-like scheme run by a North Texas businessman. It seems they trusted the scammer because he appeared to be a good Christian and […]
Why Isn't Bill Zedler Angry about Ted Nugent Glorifying Sex with Teen Girls?
Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is upset that rocker Ted Nugent’s racist insults (like “subhuman mongrel”) about President Obama and his equally repugnant attacks on Hillary Clinton (like “toxic c***,” “two-bit whore” and “worthless bitch”) have made the news. Now Nugent name calling of Obama gets media hype, but where were they when Bill Mahr called […]
Texas Ed Board Candidates Want Religious Beliefs Promoted in Public Schools
We told you Monday that a religious-right group’s voter guide reveals that several Republican candidates in Texas State Board of Education elections this year think government shouldn’t be responsible for making sure all children get an education. The same candidates also support shifting tax dollars from public to private schools. So it might not be surprising to […]
Texas Education Board Candidates Say: Government Shouldn't Be Responsible for Educating Kids!
You might think that all of the candidates seeking election to the body that oversees the public education system in Texas would actually support public education. But candidate answers in a religious-right group’s voter guide this month suggest you would be wrong. At least three Republican candidates — including one incumbent — in this year’s […]
Stand with Texas Women, Wear Orange, Again
We just sent out this message on behalf of Kathy to our friends and supporters. If you’re in the Austin area next Thursday, we encourage you to join us. They promised to hear us on women’s health. Let’s make sure they do. Next Thursday, Feb. 20, state Sen. Jane Nelson will convene the committee she […]