Texas Ed Board Candidates Want Religious Beliefs Promoted in Public Schools

We told you Monday that a religious-right group’s voter guide reveals that several Republican candidates in Texas State Board of Education elections this year think government shouldn’t be responsible for making sure all children get an education. The same candidates also support shifting tax dollars from public to private schools. So it might not be surprising to […]

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Stand with Texas Women, Wear Orange, Again

We just sent out this message on behalf of Kathy to our friends and supporters. If you’re in the Austin area next Thursday, we encourage you to join us. They promised to hear us on women’s health. Let’s make sure they do. Next Thursday, Feb. 20, state Sen. Jane Nelson will convene the committee she […]

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Pay to Play: One Way to Get a Religious-Right Group's Endorsement?

Conservative Republicans for Texas, a political action committee run by a longtime religious-right activist in Houston, has released its list of endorsements for the March 4 Republican primary in Texas.  A mailer sent to Texas voters age 65 and older lists the group’s endorsements. Most of the names aren’t a surprise — especially when you […]

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Creationist Former SBOE Chair Endorses Challenger in Key Texas Ed Board Race

Don McLeroy, who infamously declared that “somebody’s gotta stand up to experts” in the debate over teaching evolution in public school science classrooms, has waded into a key Texas State Board of Election (SBOE) election contest. Eric Mahroum announced on Jan. 29 that the creationist former SBOE chair is backing his challenge to incumbent Pat Hardy […]

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