A Busy Sunday at the Legislature

It was a hectic Sunday at the Texas Legislature. Thank you to tall who took action and contacted your reps during the holiday weekend. Here’s what happened on what turned out to be not much of a holiday for legislators. Sanford’s anti-LGBT amendment State Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, did not get an opportunity to offer […]

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Anti-LGBT Discrimination Amendments Are a Danger in Texas House on Thursday

We’re down to just 12 days left in the 2015 legislative session in Texas, and attacks on LGBT equality are becoming increasingly desperate. Rumors are swirling about potential amendments to SB 2065, which is scheduled for debate by the Texas House on Thursday. Religious-right groups are clamoring for passage of SB 2065, which they say […]

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Another Discrimination Measure Hits a Roadblock in Texas House

On Monday, for the second time in less than a week, legislation promoting discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people hit a roadblock in the Texas House. That’s good news. What’s not is that the lawmaker promoting that discrimination amendment was willing to put abused and neglected children at further risk so that he could push […]

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URGENT: Anti-LGBT sneak attack expected today in the Texas House

We’re hearing that state Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, is expected to offer a dangerous religious-refusal amendment during the debate on SB 206 in the House later today. The amendment (which is almost identical to HB 3864) would permit discrimination against LGBT children and families in adoption, foster care and child welfare placements. Also, the broad […]

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Take Action: Oppose Anti-Abortion Legislation Monday at the Capitol

While over in the Texas House of Representatives many, many bills met their fate when a key deadline passed Thursday night, lawmakers in the lower chamber did accomplish a few things, including, unfortunately, passing even more abortion restrictions. And with those bills now approved in the House, the debate over that legislation now shifts to […]

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