Houstonians Will Be Voting FOR the Equal Rights Ordinance in November

Houston Unites, which supports the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance on the November ballot, just sent out the following press release. The Texas Freedom Network is a member of the Houston Unites coalition. The Texas Supreme Court this morning ruled that the majority of Houstonians who support the city’s Equal Rights Ordinance will be casting a […]

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Texas GOPer Calls for Driving Gay People Out of Houston, Treating Them Like the Nazis in World War II

Steve Hotze just pulled out a sword on stage pic.twitter.com/SZIoXdBzsN — Christopher Hooks (@cd_hooks) August 14, 2015 The campaign to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) became even more vile Thursday night when one of the anti-HERO campaign leaders insisted that gay and transgender people should be forced to leave Houston and even suggested that they face the […]

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‘Houston Unites’ Launches Campaign to Support Equal Rights Ordinance

The Texas Freedom Network has joined with a broad coalition of civil liberties organizations, faith leaders and others to defend the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Religious-right opponents have succeeded in putting repeal of that ordinance on the November ballot. The coalition supporting HERO, Houston Unites Against Discrimination, sent out the following release this morning: […]

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You Should Read This Because It’s About Beyoncé

Actually, this post has more to do with the great work TFN’s student activists are doing as part of the Texas Rising program, but Beyoncé is a big part of this. She can be an even bigger part of this, a giant part, if she wants to. Beyoncé, if you happen to read this, be […]

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Thank You, Gov. Pence

Graphic by GLAAD Defeating nearly two dozen discriminatory anti-LGBT bills during the recently concluded session of the Texas Legislature took a lot of hard work from some great groups working outside the Capitol with activists and people like you who care about these things. And it was also the hard work of LGBT-supportive lawmakers working […]

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