The vast sea of young voters in Texas is finally stirring. We just sent out the following press release on today’s elections in Texas. […]
The Party Platform Confirms It: Culture Warriors Still Control the Texas GOP
In case you didn’t know, the religious right still has the Texas Republican Party firmly in its grip. Just check out the platform adopted at the party convention this month. You’ll see all the confirmation you need. […]
TFN Statement on the End of the Texas Legislative Special Session
We sent out the following statement today following last night’s end of the Texas legislative special session. […]
Texas Senate’s Preliminary Approval of Special Session Bills Makes Texas Appear Cruel to Its Most Vulnerable Residents
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 25, 2017 With its preliminary approval on second reading of a “bathroom bill” this evening, the Texas Senate over the past two days has rushed through approval of bills discriminating against transgender people and making access to abortion care even harder for Texans. Once the bills pass the Senate on third […]
The Texas Hate Group Behind Dan Patrick’s ‘Bathroom Bill’ Keeps Up Its Attacks on LGBT People
Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick fellow lawmakers continue to claim that the Texas “bathroom bill” isn’t about attacking and discriminating against transgender people. But the hate group that has played a leading role in trying to pass this cruel, discriminatory bill has made the real agenda behind it very clear — attacking the very existence of […]