Carrying the ‘Birther’ Banner Forward

Just for sheer entertainment value, you almost gotta love fringe characters like Donna Garner. The right-wing, Waco-area gadfly bombards elected officials, journalists and assorted other folks across Texas with numerous, hair-on-fire email screeds on topics ranging from the State Board of Education (SBOE) to national politics. Unfortunately, some SBOE members have actually promoted her nonsense […]

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Publisher Proposes Creationist Materials

A 2009 decision by the Texas State Board of Education has enabled creationists to once again try to mess with science in public school classrooms in Texas. Read the Press Release from the Texas Freedom Network and the National Center for Science Education The Texas Education Agency has released proposed supplemental web-based materials for science […]

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Blast from the SBOE Past

UPDATE Former state board member (and chairman) Don McLeroy contacted our office this morning to dispute the accuracy of information in this post. Specifically, Dr. McLeroy claims that the substitute English/language arts TEKS document given to board members only hours before the final vote was not – as we (and the Associated Press) maintained – […]

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Take Action: SBOE Reform

Three days out of a once-a-decade process isn’t much. State Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin, agrees. We at TFN also agree. And so did almost everyone else at last night’s hearing before the Texas House Committee on Public Education, which took testimony on Rep. Strama’s HB 3257. The legislation would require that any amendments to public […]

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