Dear Religious Right: It's Not About You

If you happened to be on Twitter or on your favorite conservative website on Sunday, you may have noticed the latest faux outrage on the right. Search engine Google, on its homepage, transformed its famous doodle into a version featuring the late labor leader Cesar Chavez. The Google Doodle has become a bit of an […]

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Is the Right's CSCOPE Witch Hunt Now Spiraling Way Out of Control?

The right-wing assault on CSCOPE in Texas has intensified with Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, posting on his Facebook page a statement from state Attorney General Greg Abbott. Abbott’s statement echoes critics of the curriculum system, which is used in hundreds of Texas public and private schools: “The Attorney General’s Office has been […]

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Sen. Cruz Couldn’t Just Say ‘No’?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had an interesting answer to a question from Dallas Morning News writer Todd Gillman last week: Q. Is [former Sen. Joseph] McCarthy someone you admire? A. I’m not going to engage in the back and forth and the attacks. Several Democrats have demonstrated a willingness to attack me by name. I’m […]

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Rick Perry Talks CSCOPE with Glenn Beck

You couldn’t be blamed if up to now you looked at this CSCOPE hubbub and dismissed it as mostly just a case of a few fringe loons with Internet connections talking to each other. In fact, the most prominent individual — at least as far as electeds go — up to this point to engage […]

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Are Texas Christian Schools Indoctrinating Students… into Islam?

Just how silly is the claim that CSCOPE — the curriculum management system that far-right activists are determined to destroy — is a tool for indoctrinating Texas students into radical Islam? We figure it’s very silly for most folks — unless they also think Christian parochial schools are in on the conspiracy. TFN Insider has […]

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