More Good News on Texas Science Textbooks, But Politics Still an Obstacle

Despite complaints from anti-evolution activists, state-appointed citizen reviewers are now giving a top rating to most of the high school biology textbooks proposed for adoption in Texas this year — but the adoption of those textbooks still faces a big political obstacle at the State Board of Education. State reviewers in August gave a top […]

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Help Us Spread the Message: Stand Up for Science in Texas

Last week we brought you the good news that publishers are, thus far, refusing to cave to demands by anti-evolution activists and climate change deniers to water down the science in proposed textbooks for Texas public schools. Now that we have convinced publishers not to mess with science, we have to convince the State Board […]

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More Than 6,000 Tell Publishers: 'Thank You for Standing Up for Science'

Last week we reported that publishers are resisting pressure to dumb down instruction on evolution in the new science textbooks they are proposing for Texas public schools. And we asked you to send publishers an email thanking them for standing up for science despite the efforts of anti-evolution activists on and off the State Board […]

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