Help Us in the Final Push for Sound Science Textbooks in Texas


On Nov. 22, our Stand Up for Science campaign will come to an end. That’s when the Texas State Board of Education will take a final vote on adopting new science textbooks that will be in classrooms for the next decade.

Now is the time to take action by telling the members of the state board: “Adopt the books. Stand Up for Science!”

Click here to send your own message to all 15 members of the board.

Our goal — science textbooks with complete, accurate information on evolution and climate change — is within reach.

Against long odds, we already convinced the publishers not to mess with the books.

Now all that stands between those textbooks and Texas classrooms are politicians on the state board who have a long history of attacking science.

We can win this.

Click here to send a letter to the board.

One thought on “Help Us in the Final Push for Sound Science Textbooks in Texas

  1. Learning real science, along with the truth and facts on any and every other subject, never hurt anybody. Students need to learn the true facts of science to prepare them for the rest of their lives.

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