Gail Lowe: Promoting Political Agendas over the Interests of Schoolchildren

Gail Lowe, a member of the far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education, has demonstrated once again her true agenda for public schools. The State Board of Education is responsible for developing curriculum standards and approving textbooks that help our kids succeed in school and prepare them for college and the jobs of the 21st […]

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Religious Right Seeks Control of Kansas SBOE

Oh, Kansas. Why must you share our suffering so? As Texans with our own dysfunctional and often wacky State Board of Education, it’s easy for us to sympathize with Kansans, who are facing elections to their own tenuously sane state board this year. Unfortunately, Kansans won’t have many of the moderates currently leading the board […]

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Creationists Strike Back

The Institute for Creation Research is launching a public relations campaign to win state approval for a master’s of science education degree from the Dallas-based group. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board unanimously rejected the group’s application last month. On Sunday the Austin American-Statesman published a full-page ad from the Institute. You can see a […]

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