Disingenuous Cynthia Dunbar Unites Texas Ed Board Against Her Textbook

The often deeply divided Texas State Board of Education just voted unanimously — 14-0 — to reject the controversial and error-plagued Mexican American Heritage textbook. (Board member David Bradley, R-Beaumont, was absent.) The board must vote again on Friday, but it would be very surprising if the board reverses today’s decision. It’s ironic that Cynthia Dunbar, whose company […]

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Column: SBOE again takes aim at evolution

The State Board of Education’s war on evolution in Texas public schools is in the news again. Now the Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and other newspaper around the state are publishing this new column from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller. Here is the full version: […]

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Texas GOP Ed Board Member’s Wish on Textbook Controversy: ‘Deny the Hispanics a Record Vote’

Emails show that a Republican member of the State Board of Education wants to “deny the Hispanics a record vote” when the board decides in November whether to adopt a controversial Mexican-American studies textbook proposed for Texas public schools. Other related emails from individuals outside the board are laced with political criticism and insults, with one writer referring […]

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