‘Anti-Christian Bigotry’

So now FOX News anchor Brit Hume is saying that criticism of his call last Sunday for golfer Tiger Woods to dump Buddhism and convert to Christianity is just another form of “anti-Christian bigotry.” Hume told CNSNews.com yesterday: “It is certainly true in secular America today that the most controversial two words you can ever […]

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Dodging a Bullet

Remember Allen Quist? He’s the fringe-right Minnesota politician who State Board of Education member Don McLeroy wanted to appoint to a panel of so-called “experts” helping revise social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. Like other absurdly unqualified ideologues who succeeded in getting appointments to the “expert” panel, Quist didn’t just lack academic credentials […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Evolution is hooey.” — Texas State Board of Education member Don McLeroy, R-Bryan, eloquent as ever Stay informed with TFN News Clips, a daily digest of news about politics and the religious right. Subscribe here. […]

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Finger Pointing at the Texas SBOE

Once again we see evidence that the Legislature made a huge mistake last spring by not letting Texas voters decide whether to strip the State Board of Education of authority over managing the Permanent School Fund. (Republican leaders in the state Senate helped kill that and a number of other SBOE reform bills.) It has […]

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What Does He Really Think?

It seems that Brian Russell, anointed by Cynthia Dunbar as her desired replacement on the Texas State Board of Education, doesn’t much like the Texas Freedom Network. And we’re such nice folks. Go figure. Anyway, just a few days before word got out that Russell is seeking Dunbar’s board seat, the Austin attorney and his […]

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