Far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education continue to protest that they aren’t trying to politicize the revision of social studies curriculum standards for public schools. But their actions don’t match their denials. We told you two weeks ago that those board members were pitching a hissy about criticism of the unqualified ideologues they […]
State Board of Education
Oh no they didn’t!
How much do you know about the far-right bloc on the Texas State Board of Education? Take the TFN Quiz and find out! Then share the link with your friends and help spread the word about radicalism on the state board. […]
Control Issues
The controversy over a bill on technology in public school classrooms once again shows that the Texas State Board of Education’s far-right members will fight hard against any policy they perceive as theatening their control over what public school students learn. On Friday Gov. Rick Perry signed House Bill 4294, a bill by state Rep. […]
Turning the Science Standards into a Positive?
Just how much did creationists gain in the battle over new public school science standards adopted in Texas this spring? Houston Chronicle writer Lisa Falkenberg points to an article from the journal Science that suggests an encouraging answer: not as much as evolution deniers hoped. As you will recall, creationists on the Texas State Board […]
SBOE Candidate Training Update
The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s training for people interested in seeking election to the State Board of Education is now set for 1 -5 p.m., July 22, on the campus of St. Edward’s University in Austin. This nonpartisan training is open to everyone, regardless of political party. People simply interested in learning about what […]