Who Is Behind the Controversial Mexican-American Studies Text?

On Monday, TFN joined with a numerous other Texas organizations to counter Mexican American Heritage, a proposed textbook for Texas public schools which Mexican-American studies scholars and experts have found to be deeply offensive, simplistic and rife with factual errors. Take action: MASforTexas.org So who wrote the textbook? And what qualifications do they have? While […]

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Coalition Launches to Oppose Offensive Mexican-American Studies Text

On Monday, a coalition of grassroots, civil rights and education groups launched a coalition to oppose Mexican-American Heritage, a proposed Mexican-American studies textbook created by a company owned by former Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) member: Cynthia Dunbar, one of the most divisive members the SBOE has ever seen. The textbook will be considered […]

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‘And This Surprises Her?’

There was a remarkable and blistering editorial published last week in the Longview News-Journal. The paper’s editorial board writes about an email distributed by JoAnn Fleming to members of the influential East Texas tea party group she leads, Grassroots America-We the People (GAWTP). In the email, Fleming complains of “the politics of personal destruction” as some […]

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Bruner: I Ran to Expose the ‘Evil’ Actions of ‘Cock-Roaches’

An update has been added to the end of this post. One more (possibly final?) thing on Mary Lou Bruner. As far as we can tell, she has not returned phone calls from reporters seeking comment on the election results that saw her lose the Texas State Board of Education Republican primary runoff to Keven […]

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Rabbi Katz: This Is Why We Should All Support TFN

Rabbi Neal Katz, a TFN board member who lives in the Texas State Board of Education district Mary Lou Bruner was running to represent, asked us to share this message. I’m breathing a sigh of relief today, and I hope you are too: Mary Lou Bruner, the State Board of Education candidate who peddled wild […]

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