SBOE Takes Up Social Studies Again

On Wednesday (March 10) the Texas State Board of Education will resume its debate — begun in January — on proposed new social studies curriculum standards for public schools. TFN Insider will blog from the meeting at the Texas Education Agency building in Austin. The meeting begins at 11 a.m., and we anticipate that two […]

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Kathy Miller: Politics and Social Studies

Various newspapers have run the following op-ed from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller about the State Board of Education‘s January meeting on new social studies curriuclum standards for Texas public schools. We’re posting her 0p-ed here for TFN Insider readers. Rewriting History: Politics and Social Studies Standards During January’s State Board of Education debate […]

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NYT: How the Texas Right Hijacks Education

UPDATE: See more about the New York Times Magazine cover image here. The New York Times Magazine has just published online a major piece about the Texas State Board of Education and its role in promoting far-right efforts to hijack public education in America. The article will also appear in the Sunday Times’ print edition. […]

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Editorial Roundup: Ignorance and the SBOE

Especially over the last week, editorial boards at newspapers across Texas have been focusing on the corrosive politics, blind ignorance and rampant incompetence evident on the State Board of Education. Editorial writers are heaping criticism on state board members who are once again wrecking the work of educators and scholars in crafting new curriculum standards — this time for […]

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How Censors Think

This month’s Texas State Board of Education debate over proposed new social studies curriculum standards provided many opportunities to see censorship at work. One of the most revealing instances of this came when state board member Don McLeroy, R-College Station, proposed adding Margaret Sanger and John Dewey to a list of individuals for high school American history students to study. […]

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