Dallas Religious-Right Leader, Prominent Trump Supporter Says Right to Privacy Is Imaginary, Invented

Robert Jeffress, the far-right pastor of a Dallas megachurch and a prominent religious-right supporter of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, is arguing that the Constitution doesn’t protect a right to privacy for Americans. In one of his “Daily Devotion” emails sent to followers last week, Jeffress attacks Supreme Court justices for supposedly “inventing” that right: […]

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Remember This

Robert Jeffress, the Dallas religious-right leader, tweeted his praise of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last night. Jeffress earlier this month argued, when talking about Trump, that it’s “biblical” to support a “strongman” in government. Remember this in the months ahead. […]

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The Hate Is Strong with This One

Religious-right leader Robert Jeffress, pastor of a Dallas megachurch, told listeners of a Family Research Council radio program Monday that protecting transgender people from discrimination means America is “headed toward chaos” and represents “rebellion against the plan of God.” Our friends at Right Wing Watch report how Jeffress insisted that anti-discrimination efforts are a threat to religious freedom, and he specifically […]

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Almost Everyone Condemns Trump’s Abortion Comments

Donald Trump drew fire yesterday, and is still drawing fire today, for his comments on abortion. During a town hall event on MSNBC, Trump told the network’s Chris Matthews that there “has to be some form of punishment” for women who obtain an abortion should the procedure ever become illegal. Trump has since tried to […]

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