Coordinated Anti-Mormonism?

Mormonism, or the attacks on it, is in the news again this morning following a story in The Daily Beast that cites emails between a Christian radio executive and well-known religious-right activist David Lane. The emails between Lane and Dick Bott of the Bott Radio Network seem to indicate the two were in cahoots to […]

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Gov. Perry’s Pro-Censorship Endorser

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. An extremist pastor walks into a library to destroy public property and when the stunt royally backfires on him, he recruits a member of his congregation to craft an unconstitutional city ordinance that essentially made his church members the morality police and the arbiters of what you […]

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Gov. Perry’s History Lesson FAIL

Sounds like Texas Gov. Rick Perry might be taking history lessons from the State Board of Education — you know, the panel that adopted heavily politicized and distorted social studies curriculum standards two years ago. During a post-debate gathering at a Dartmouth frat party (seriously) last night, someone asked Gov. Perry about states’ rights. His […]

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Separated at Birth

Has anyone ever seen the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer and Dallas First Baptist Church Pastor Robert Jeffress together in the same room at the same time? No, I’m not implying that one is Clark Kent and that the other is Superman. What I’m saying is, well, this: “Because my argument all along has been […]

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Gov. Perry’s Anti-Mormon Endorser

Today, Aug. 6, 2011, Gov. Rick Perry received the support of a major Texas far-right figure, then took the stage in front of hundreds of social conservatives at Houston’s Reliant Stadium. Wait. Check that. Today is Oct. 7, 2011. Excuse the déjà vu, but we’ve been watching the 2011 Values Voter Summit, which kicked off […]

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