Breathing Fire in Tyler

Political fire-breathing was center stage at “The Oil Palace” on Saturday in Tyler, the only Texas stop on FOX News show host Glenn Beck‘s traveling road show, his “Take America Back” tour. The event showed once again how religious-right rhetoric increasingly dominates the so-called “tea party movement.” Beck and various Texas politicians provided plenty of […]

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The Year in Quotes: Potluck Nuttiness

We heard nuttiness in many forms throughout 2009, including the Texas governor flirting with secessionists and the lieutenant governor criticizing the president of the United States for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. And there was plenty of downright hatefulness. More quotes from 2009: “There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to […]

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Perry Says Gore Has ‘Gone to Hell’

The Dallas Morning News yesterday noted that Texas Gov. Rick Perry, when he was a Democrat, supported Al Gore’s 1988 presidential campaign. Then it quoted Gov. Perry’s criticism Wednesday of the former vice president’s position on global climate change policy: Speaking to a builders group in Dallas, Perry — once a Democrat — was asked about his past relationship […]

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Gov. Perry and ‘Government Intrusions’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election campaign just sent out an e-mail touting his speech at the religious right’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., this past weekend. This speech excerpt noted in the e-mail caught our eye: “It is well past time for us to halt the endless intrusions into our lives, put a stop […]

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