Thought the late night comedians had moved on from ridiculing the Texas State Board of Education? Think again. Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report once again took aim at his favorite punching bag last night in a segment called “I’s on Edjukashun.” Check it out. (Colbert’s riff on the SBOE starts just after the 2:00 […]
Rick Perry
Group’s Leader: Houston Mayor a ‘Sodomite’
The head of the fringe-right Houston Area Pastor Council has just published a new screed attacking politicians and others who support equal rights for gay people. But Dave Welch — who isn’t shy about promoting his ties to elected state officials, including the governor — reserves his most vile rhetoric for politicians and other people who are […]
Politics and Curriculum Standards in Texas
Gov. Rick Perry has been doing all he can to solidify his support among far-right pressure groups. This weekend (July 2-3), for example, Gov. Perry will be speaking at the Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s Texas Defending the American Dream Summit in Austin. The governor will join speakers such as Tim Phillips, president of the AFP […]
Gov. Perry Gives Parents the Silent Treatment
The usually voluble Gov. Rick Perry has made essentially no public comment about how the far-right wing of the Texas State Board Education engineered a now nationally infamous rewrite of social studies curriculum standards in May. We believe the governor’s silence represents a fundamental failure of accountability to Texas parents. […]
Gov. Perry’s ‘Holy War’
Shameful. That’s really the only way to describe Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s hyperbolic rhetoric in Dallas yesterday, when he used faith as a weapon to divide Texans in this election year. Gov. Perry was speaking at an event hosted by the far-right Texas Eagle Forum on the eve of the Texas Republican Party convention in […]