Standing with Bigots and Extremists?

Why is Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of the right-wing Focus on the Family, standing with religious bigots and an extremist who hates the Statue of Liberty? It’s a question worth asking about a group that bills itself as “protecting freedom” and wanting students to learn how to be patriotic. […]

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The Prophet State

A new story in the Texas Observer follows Gov. Rick Perry’s courtship of the religious right on a path to the fringes, where self-proclaimed prophets and modern-day apostles apparently like to hang out. The story, “Rick Perry’s Army of God,” starts with a description of a meeting between Gov. Perry and pastors Tom Schlueter of […]

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What Would the Founders Do?

What would the Founders say about the governor of Texas partnering with a hate group to hold an all-day prayer and fasting rally? Our friends at the Anti-Defamation League would like to help you answer that question. The ADL, in partnership with the Texas Freedom Network, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and […]

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Perry Event Backer Hates Statue of Liberty

TFN Insider readers already know about some of the haters and other extremists (as well as here and here) Texas Gov. Rick Perry is partnering with on his prayer extravaganza in Houston next month. Today we have another name for the growing list: Dr. John Benefiel of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network in Oklahoma City. […]

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The More We Learn, the Worse It Gets

It was bad enough that a hate group (the American Family Association) and a host of controversial figures (here and here) were behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s prayer extravaganza next month in Houston’s Reliant Stadium. But those names only scratch the surface of extremism linked to the August 6 event. The Dallas Morning News is […]

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