Now They’re Dragging Abortion into It

UPDATE: A TFN Insider reader recorded the robocall noted in this post. Great work! See below. The calls apparently were paid for by Texas Alliance for Life PAC. Because of the late date, it won’t be possible to know before election day tomorrow how much this political action committee has suddenly poured into State Board […]

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TFN Youth Leaders Speak Up for Sex Ed

A Texas Freedom Network Education Fund report last year revealed the dismal state of sex education in Texas. Now TFN’s Youth Leadership Council has collected thousands of petition signatures from young people around the state who support responsible sex education in our public schools. Check out this video of a Youth Leadership Council event on the […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Now we know that after 10 years and over $1.5 billion in abstinence-only funding, the U.S. is lurching backwards on teen sexual health.” — James Wagoner of Advocates for Youth, a Washington advocacy group, commenting on a new report that shows a rise in the rate of teen pregnancies Stay informed […]

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More Evidence of Abstinence-Only Failure

A new report from the Guttmacher Institute shows that the nation’s teen pregnancy rate has increased for the first time in more than a decade. During that decade federal, state and local governments have spent billions of dollars on abstinence-0nly programs that deliberately exclude medically accurate information about contraception and other methods of responsible disease prevention. From […]

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Rick Scarborough: Birther Extremist

Maybe Rick Scarborough should run for chair of the Texas Republican Party of Texas. After all, we’re beginning to think the head of the far-right group Vision America (based in Lufkin) could be even more extreme than the Texas GOP’s current chair, Cathie Adams. (See here and here for examples of Adams’ extremism.) In a […]

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