Barton Peddles Lie That Obama Administration Calls All Abortion Opponents ‘Terrorists’

Despite claiming to be a Bible-believing Christian, David Barton seems to have no qualms about breaking the biblical commandment against bearing false witness. Today, for example, Barton tweeted the following nonsense: “Apparently protecting life makes you a terrorist now: Obama Admin Calls Pro-Lifers Terrorists Again” Barton’s tweet then links to an article on the anti-abortion […]

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Texas Hits Bottom in Health Care Rankings, Religious-righters Shrug

The Texas chapter of Concerned Women for America last week called Americans who support President Obama’s health care reform law “selfish and indulgent.” Another prominent Texas right-winger compared the health care law to slavery. And religious-right groups like Texans for Life Coalition have been insisting that the administration’s rule requiring most health insurance plans to […]

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Defeated Lawmaker Promotes Creationist for Texas Education Commissioner

It’s bad enough that the State Board of Education has become a heavily politicized, dysfunctional embarrassment for Texas. Now religious-righters want control of the Texas Education Agency as well. State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, wants Gov. Rick Perry to appoint SBOE member Charlie Garza, R-El Paso, as the state’s education commissioner and head of TEA. […]

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The Right’s Falsehoods and Distortions in the War on Birth Control

In the religious right’s war on science and modern medicine, truth apparently is merely an inconvenience that can be cast away with no regard. An email today from FRC Action (a group affiliated with the right-wing Family Research Council) repeats the falsehood that emergency contraception drugs cause abortions. The email urges activists to insist that […]

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