Textbooks, Sex and How Texas Has Hijacked Public Policy in America

New York Times columnist Gail Collins has a new book coming, As Texas Goes…, which looks at how right-wing politics and other shenanigans in Texas have hijacked public policy across the country. You can read two extended excerpts from Collins book (due out this month): one on the textbook wars here and another on sex […]

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Two Right-Wing Texas Legislators Went Down to Defeat This Week

Tuesday’s Republican Primary elections in Texas brought the defeat of one prominent member of the far-right faction on the State Board of Education — Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas. But two other Texas politicians prominent on the far right also appear to have been too extreme even for GOP voters. One was state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, […]

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National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy: Support Sex Education in Texas

Today is the 11th Annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. The Texas Freedom Network continues to promote responsible, evidence-based sex education in Texas, a state with one of the highest teen birthrates in the nation. You can help by signing a petition calling for comprehensive sex education to keep young people safe and healthy. […]

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